Saturday, January 5, 2013

Exploring Tanay with a Kid: Why it's Waaaaay Better Than Malling

We just got back from our quick trip to Tanay, Rizal and once again I was reminded that we don't have to spend a lot in order to have fun. 
Calinawan cave with a kid
Sput's first spelunking adventure- Calinawan Cave, Tanay, Rizal
We explored a cave, had lunch beside a waterfall, climbed up a grotto, and went to Laguna Lake to witness fishermen unload their catch. And how much did we spend? A teeny-weeny super-meager amount of P 850! I'm notalayer. That's cheaper than a Pizza Hut meal for four...or a pair of Forever 21 shorts...or hey, that's cheaper than a regular trip to the mall!

Let's compare.

Trip to the Mall with a kid:
Fare/Gas- P300
Food- P 500
Movie/Timezone/Play Station tickets- P 300
TOTAL: P 1,100

Trip to Tanay with a kid:
FX Fare- P 250
Tricycle Fare (Package which includes all the destinations)- P350
Food- P100 (just bring a canned Tuna and rice)
Cave guide fees- P100 (or any amount you're willing to donate)
Daranak falls entrance- P55 
TOTAL: P 855

Is a trip to Tanay sulit or whut?! To make it more obvious, let's compare the "value" of these two.

What do you get from a mall trip? 
Sore feet, entertainment, maybe a full stomach, some things (important or not), more credit card debt, maybe some happiness.

What do you get from a spelunking/hiking/camping adventure?
Sore feet, realizing that you are very small and the world is so big, realizing that material things do not matter a lot, good memories, knowledge. For kids: Seeing, smelling, touching real flowers, trees, fishes, rocks. 

What does a trip to the mall teach your child? 
Hmmm...that it's nice to have things, basically. If you're a good parent, the best lesson you can teach them from a trip to the mall is the difference between wants from needs, the importance of hard work (so they can buy the stuff they want). 

What does a spelunking/hiking/camping adventure teach your child?
OMG. 1001 things- life rules like exploring without being reckless to science stuff like why fishes jump and squirm when they're out of the water.

Who gets a little richer every time you visit a mall?
The Sys and the Ayalas and the advertisers and the big brands. 

Who gets a little richer everytime you have a nature trip?
The locals- tricycle drivers, tour guides, small stores, carenderias. And YOU.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Quick Packing for Our First Spelunking Adventure

Spelunking. The term sounds sooo kick-ass but it simply means exploring a cave. But not all cave explorers are called spelunkers. There are also CAVERS and SPELEOLOGISTS, which are labels for the more hardcore and geeky cave explorers.

the term "spelunker" to denote someone untrained and unknowledgeable in current exploration techniques, and "caver" for those who are. Speleology has always been an interdisciplinary science, requiring one to have at least a smattering of geology, hydrology, biology, chemistry, climatology and survey techniques in addition to whatever specialty one has.

Tomorrow we're spelunking with a 4-year-old kid in tow. Yey! We're going to explore a cave in Tanay, Rizal called Calinawan Cave. I chose this cave because 1.) it's close to where we live which means less travel time and less expenses; 2.) It's just a 30-minute trip inside the cave so anytime there's a sign that Sput's not enjoying the trip, we can exit fast; 3.) It's not yet too popular so I'm hoping it's not too crowded.

Sooo..packing. We expect to do duck walks and body-bending positions inside the cave so we're packing really, really light. We're preparing Hugo's regular-sized backpack and Sput's teeny-weeny bag (just so she would be responsible for her own stuff).

* First aid kit
* Small pouch for our wallets
* Camera
* Extra shirts
* Slippers (for post-spelunking)
* Alcohol
* Face towels
* Century Tuna (big can)
* Can opener
* Water bottles
* Flashlights
* Head lamps
* Spoons+ forks
* Rice inside a lunchbox (to be packed)

* Yam the bear
* Whistle
* small Flash light
* Snacks
* Small water bottle

That's all. Just the basic stuff. I hope spelunking with a kid would be fun (and safe) for everyone!