Friday, October 4, 2013

Baguio with a Kid: (Kid-friendly) Things to do in the City of Pines

Baguio City is the kid-friendliest place we've been to (runner up: Puerto Princesa, Palawan). Whether you're tagging along a 2-year-old or a 9-year-old, it's guaranteed you're all going to have a good time (yes, parents included!). That's because aside from the lovely weather, Baguio City has lots of parks filled with rides and activities to entertain every kid and kid-at-heart.

Here are the things you must try in Baguio with your kids:

BIKING (Burnham Park)
biking burnham baguio

You don't have to spend a lot in order to entertain your kid. For us, that's a no-no not only because we already spent a lot on the trip but also because we just find pleasure in finding cheap thrills. Needless to say, we're glad we went biking at Burnham Park. Imagine paying only P40 for one hour of biking bliss? Well, technically, it was only Sput who did the biking. I just sat on a bench, watching people, enjoying the alone-ness. Hugo was busy taking pictures of Sput and the skaters. Highly recommended if you want to introduce your kid to biking or if you want to recharge from nonstop demands of a four-year-old. This will keep them preoccupied.

BMX/MTB rental- P40/hr
Tri-bike rental- P50/hr

Not all bikes are in good condition. Make sure you test the bike first because some are hard to pedal or have wobbly trainer wheels.

baguio to do with kids
Okay, what a lousy picture, eh? Hugo was not able to take a good photo because we were so busy balancing and getting scared and laughing at the same time. We didn't hire a rower because we though "nah, just an 'effin swan boat. What's so hard about that?" but that kind of confidence was gone when we were stuck in the middle of the lake and were too tired to paddle. So if you want to have a good belly-aching laughing session, then DON'T hire a rower but if you want to relax and enjoy the view without worrying about a thing, then hire a rower.

Boat rental- P100
Guide/ Rower fee- P50

If you do not know how to row, don't try to save a few bucks by not hiring a driver/guide. Especially if you have a kid.

STRAWBERRY PICKING (La Trinidad, Benguet)

kid adventure strawberry picking

Marion loves listening to "Strawberry Fields Forever" by the Beatles. For three weeks now, we listen to it during bedtime and first thing in the morning. So make a wild guess why she was so excited to go to Baguio? Yep, the strawberries. La Trinidad Strawberry Farm is just a 20-minute ride from Baguio so you have to give it a visit when you're in Baguio. However, there's a chance you won't find strawberries when you visit the farm because the fruit is seasonal. Best to go there during March- April. Aside from strawberries, you can also find lovely flowers and green, leafy vegetables in the farm.

Exploring the farm is free. But if you're going to pick strawberries, you pay P300 per basket (P400 during December).
Taxi fare from Baguio City to La Trinidad- P200
Strawberry Taho- P20
Strawberry Icecream- P15

If you really want to pick strawberries, make sure you go there during their fruit-bearing season.
Shop for knitted clothes in La Trinidad. There are more choices there and they're cheaper.
Wash the fruits before popping it in your mouth to get rid of the chemicals.
Let your kid listen to "Strawberry Fields Forever" while you're in the strawberry field.
On your way back, visit the Bell Church (old Chinese temple). You won't miss it because it's very visible from main road. Worth visiting if you want your kids to explore a temple. However, kids are not allowed to get inside the meditation/prayer areas so they can only explore the exteriors. (Photo below)

la trinidad bell church

HORSE RIDING (Wright Park)
baguio horse kids

Wright Park is one of the favorite destinations of families going to Baguio. Every kid wants to ride a pink (or purple or green) horse. Sput was beaming when she chose her horse which she later named Lollipop. So worth it! There are over 200 horses-- big or small, pro or just cute-- that are lined up near the entrance, available for hire.There are two lanes/circles: the inner circle which is for walking horses (for the kids and amateurs like myself) and the outer circle, which is for the pros with running horses. When it comes to safety, there is absolutely no need to worry because the guides (aka Pony Boys) have been doing this since they were little. Besides, the walking horses walk so slow you won't have a panic attack even if you have an infant in your arms (Just to prove a point. I haven't tried riding one with an infant, though. And don't try it).

30-minute ride- P200
1-hour ride- P300
Taxi from

Go for the 30-minute ride even if the 1-hour ride seems cheaper. 30 minutes is a lot of time for a tot and she didn't whine when she got off the horse after the sixth round.
Never ever go to the Riding Circle if you have a kid.

Eating "the best strawberry cake ever"

baguio recreation kids

There are plenty of parks in Baguio City. Burnham Park and Children's Park are the most popular parks because they have colorful slides and bars and swings---the works. Plus, they're close to each other and are located at the heart of Baguio. Plus, there are no entrance fees. What I love about the parks in Baguio is that they're so clean even if they're free for public use.


This is the best time for parents to relax from parenting but make sure you keep an eye on your kids because there are plenty of kids in these parks.
Buy snacks while you're waiting for the kids. It would probably take an hour before they get bored.

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