Thursday, September 8, 2011

Your Third Birthday

Dear Sput,

Happy Birthday! 
I don't know if you can recall this day or any of the days before this. I don't even know if you will have memories of the times we spend in the malls- you running for the toys and us chasing after you like silly watchmen guarding a pot of gold. Or...or... the times when you ride on your daddy's back to 'horsey' before we read "Old hat, New Hat" (I hope you'll take care of that book), or you helping your nanny when she's making fire for our sinugba nights...or the times when we sing and dance and rub and scrub and spin and pretend like mermaids in the bathroom.

Today is the 8th of Sept 2011, exactly your third year in this world. Yey! I hope you like it so far.

Lots of people love you, Marion. Yesterday, your Auntie Ditchi (my sister) came here to give you a present. She lives far away from us ( 1 hour travel by jeepney) and she's the type who'd rather sleep all day than go out so that really means a lot. Today, we're expecting your Papa and Mama to visit. Auntie Cee and Auntie Agnes, too. We will just have a simple dinner. Your dad promised me he'll be in-charge of the dinner because I am so stressed-out preparing 1001 stuff for your party tomorrow.

[to be continued. Your Papa and Mama are here...]

And so your Mama Mayette and Papa Vic arrived last night. Auntie Agnes and Auntie Cee, too. Auntie Agnes cooked Carbonara without cream (she just used egg whites. can you believe that?). We also had shrimps and adobo and icecream. We sang the happy birthday song and you were so cute when you looked a bit uneasy when the song was about to was as if you were looking for something. Then we remembered we had no cake and you must be looking for a candle to blow. I rushed to get a candle from the cupboard and your eyes instantly glowed. We're all relieved.
See how excited you are to blow your candle? It's just a regular house candle btw.
The house was a mess because we prepared lots of stuff for your birthday. The giveaways, the games, the clubhouse sandwiches, the fruits on stick, the chicken lollipops...we were so exhasuted and we slept really late but that's okay because your party was phenomenal.

We love you!

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