Monday, December 17, 2012

It's the End of the World and We're Camping!

Three days from now, it will be December 21, 2012, which is the end of the world as we know it.

Anawangin travel family

On that day, if things go according to plan, we'll be in Anawangin pitching our tent, making fire and decorating sand castles. The Apocalypse was never really part of the equation when we planned this trip. It didn't matter. No one in the house cared or was even slightly interested about it. Period. The only reason we decided to go there on the 21st is that I was too worried there might be no buses on 24th and I was too lazy to inquire. So I set it on the 21st, simple as that.

But now that we're just three days away from Doomsday and everyone's talking about it, I can't help but entertain the thought of it actually happening. Just a teeny weeny possibility. The small voice that says "what if" when I see commercials of Doomsday Preppers is now loud enough for me to actually imagine our scenario if the world actually does end three days from now. Hmmm...we'd be on a boat or on an island when the world ends with our tent, cooking tools and emergency kit. Not bad. I think, if there's an alien invasion (those guys surely would not choose to land on a small island) or a zombie attack (tee-hee), there's a higher chance we'd all survive if we're on an island and we have a boat. There is a much lesser chance for collision and encounters. In that case, all we need is plenty of gasoline for the boat and plenty of food supply and...Okay, I have to stop this. I feel like I'm writing a script for The Walking Dead.


On a deeper level, I'd like to believe it's a nod from the Universe saying " Go ahead. You're doing the right thing", "this is what you should be doing" or something like that. I'd like to believe it's a beginning of something wonderful because as they say- and in connection to the end of the world- all ends are new beginnings. Haha. I can't believe I managed to insert a quote right there. I just like it that we'll be trying something new when the new cycle begins. Can't wait to start packing!

Here's an informative but very fun video about everything you need to know about the End of the World.

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